The answer will not satifying yourself. "No such place like that here. We are not allocate any room for that purpose. While you are enjoying your holiday in any non Muslim dominan countries, the basic question is where should I pray today? The five obligation prayers could be merged to 3 times only; i.e. at dawn, afternoon and evening. But, where we can perform that prayers is the crucial one to be answered. If we just stay in the hotel, the answer is not difficult. But, how about if we are moving from one point to the other point?
What is the solution?
a. Find the nearest mosque if possible. You can find it online or using your GPS handphone or etc. It's practical if we plan our journey that include mosque as a visiting point.

b. Going to shopping mall? Use the fitting room. Use newspaper as a prayer mat.
c. Use any hide space area such as staircase etc. By the way, open space is also a best place to pray as well as a da'awah for the non-Muslim.
Pray every where.. Allah creates this world as clean as place of worship. Then, focus on your prayer... Allahu Akbar!